Am I The Right Fit For You?

Are you looking for a greater sense of balance and well being in your life? Do you know you should find time for exercise, self-care, and just plain fun, but feel out of control?  

Are you a parent who is concerned about raising your children to be healthy? Do you have difficulty shopping for and preparing food that is both delicious and good for your family?

Do you feel over-worked, and depend on coffee or other stimulants to get through the day, and then wonder why you're so exhausted? Is sleeping through the night and waking up refreshed a foreign concept?

Do you feel over-stressed? Are you finding there are little aches and pains that you never had before, that you’re unable to explain?

Have you ever tried dieting and been so hungry that you reach for anything and everything, and then feel sick and defeated because you continue to see your waistline expanding?  Do you stand too often and too long in front of mirrors, scrutinizing, criticizing, and bemoaning some part of your body that you don't think measures up to that image of the model or actor in the magazine? 

Are your eating habits erratic, leaving out whole food groups or skipping meals often, thinking that's the answer to weight loss? And is exercise just something you do to get rid of the meal you just ate or the meal you will eat?  

Have you deprived, denied, shamed or guilted yourself (maybe your whole life) to try to achieve the results you want? Does the thought of eating a real meal fill you with angst and fear or do you dread social events where "forbidden" foods may be lurking, knowing that you will eat them?  

Have you tried personal trainers, boot camp, health spas, spent way too much money and still have no real and lasting changes? Do you go in and out of periods where you are super active, and excited about getting healthy, then you get bored or exhausted (or injured) and just don't do anything? 

Are you done? Over it? Had it? At the end of your rope and ready to jump? Do you feel frustrated, hopeless, helpless, and clueless?  Do you feel like you've struggled for so long with life, food, your health and your weight and that no one gets it? You've been to nutritionists, therapists, doctors, hypnotists, but are still stuck! Has it been this way forever?

Are your dreams about being someone else and not about being your best you?
Are you out of ideas and in for real change?

Then I am looking for you, and you are looking for me.

I know it can seem overwhelming to make healthy changes at home when you don't feel like you have the know-how or the support you need. Contact me to schedule your initial consultation and let’s take the first step in discovering your Best You. Today is the best time to start really loving your life!